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operational control 意味

"operational control"の例文


  • 運用統制{うんよう とうせい}、業務管理{ぎょうむ かんり}、作業統制{さぎょう とうせい}、作戦統制{さくせん とうせい}


  • now he's got operational control of my other 50 .
  • deltas fall under jsoc operational control .
    デルタは 統合特殊作戦コマンドの管理下だ
  • i must say , it is remarkable , really astounding , the success that the cia has had since you have taken operational control , and so the president has asked me to ask you to ask him , to invite you both
    本当にそれは注目に値します 本当に驚異的です CIAにとっては大成功ですね 貴方が作戦統制を管理して以来
  • i must say , it is remarkable , really astounding , the success that the cia has had since you have taken operational control , and so the president has asked me to ask you to ask him , to invite you both
    本当にそれは注目に値します 本当に驚異的です ciaにとっては大成功ですね 貴方が作戦統制を管理して以来
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